What we do
Provides evidenced based skills building programmes for parents and carers who have children aged 3-17 who:
1. Have a diagnosed Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)
2. Have a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
3. Have Autism or ADHD traits
4. Are experiencing mild-moderate conduct disorder
5. Have behaviour that challenges
6. Are teenagers displaying anti-social behaviour including child to parent violence
We offer the following programmes with wrap-around support:
Cygnet (for ASC) Core programme, with additional supporting siblings and puberty, sexual wellbeing and relationships modules
The Parent Factor for ADHD
Family Links The Nurture Programme
Talking Teens
Right from the Start (suitable for 3-5 year olds)
Parents and carers can self enrol on to a skills building programme or can be referred by a health, education or early help professional.
We deliver our programmes through face to face or e-learning and online discussion groups.
We can help with
- Training programmes and workshops, family learning activities, community based development support and family mediation services.
- Search for Parenting programmes services
- Services supporting children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing. We have centres where children and young people can visit and have a trained worker they can trust and talk to. We help them build their confidence and get to the root of their difficulties.
- Find out more about Mental health
- Search for Mental health services