Two Dads run with their adopted child between them

Who can adopt?

Whatever your background, gender, sexuality or faith we’d love you to consider adopting with us.

There are so many things about you that can help make you a great adoptive parent, but there are some practical things you need too. 

You can adopt if you:

  • are aged 21 or over
  • are single or in a relationship
  • have a disability
  • own your home or rent
  • are working or are in receipt of benefits 
  • are a full-time UK resident or have the right to work in the UK.

We’re here to help children and young people feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful – and have somewhere they feel they belong. Whether you’re single or married, part of the LGBT+ community, looking to start or grow your family - we’re looking for amazing adopters from all walks of life, who have space in their home and heart to change a childhood, and change a life.

As part of the application process you’ll get asked about:  

  • your relationships: All children and young people deserve to live in a loving, happy and stable home. While your relationship status doesn’t determine whether you can adopt, if you are in a relationship we’ll need to ask you some questions about it to get to know you better. In addition, if you’ve got children already, we’ll work together to explore the right age group for you to adopt to suit your family life.
  • your health: You’ll need to go through a full medical assessment with your GP who will submit a report to one of our Medical Advisors.

Read more about what you can expect from the adoption application process.

What might prevent you adopting

  • Fertility treatment: Sorry, we can’t accept applications if you’re currently undergoing fertility treatment.
  • Criminal records: All applications will be police checked. Not all criminal convictions prevent people being able to adopt, however convictions such as offences against children or domestic violence means applications will not be considered.
  • Smoking: Due to the health risks of smoking/passive smoking, it will limit your potential of adopting. This applies to both cigarettes and e-cigarettes/vapes. You will be advised how long you must be smoke free before making an application.

Hear from some of our adopters

A couple sitting in a restaurant smile in a selfie

Anamica and Prashan adopted their son Neel through us

Foster carers play an important role helping children get ready for the move to their permanent adoptive home. Anamica and Prashan had such a positive relationship with the foster parents who looked after their son that they asked them to be Neel’s godparents.

Two women lean into each other smiling broadly.

How fostering to adopt gave baby Charlie a secure, loving home

Early Permanence (sometimes called EP) is an umbrella term which covers both Fostering for Adoption and Concurrent Planning. Find out how baby Charlie found a loving home with Cheryl and Zoe through Fostering for Adoption.

A man builds a tower of blocks with a toddler

Adopting as a single parent

Rowan always wanted to be a parent and after splitting from a long-term partner he decided it was the right time. Fast forward to today and he is now a single dad to a wonderful five-year-old boy. 

Want to know more about adoption?

Got more questions about whether you could adopt?

Your local adoption team would be very happy to answer any questions you have about adoption. Getting in touch for a chat doesn’t mean you’re making a commitment.

How we’ll support you

We listen and respond to the needs of our adopters, which is why we offer a comprehensive preparation, training and support adoption programme, including access to support groups, adopter forums and adoptive family social events.

How can you tell when you’re ready to adopt?

We talked to parents who’ve adopted and experts from Barnardo’s, and asked them for their advice on how you can tell when it’s the right time to adopt.

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