What we do
Wakefield CAPS provides an Advocacy and an Independent Visitor service to children and young people where Wakefield are the responsible local authority.
If young people are in care, have a child protection or Education Health and Care Plan or being supported by the Youth Offending Team we should be able to support them.
Advocacy is an independent service to support young people understand and speak up about their rights. Advocacy ensures young people’s wishes, feelings and rights are taken into account when decisions are being made about their future. We can help young people challenge and make formal complaints if they need to.
Independent Visitors are training volunteers that are matched with young people who are in care. They spend regular time with the young person (usually once every 2 weeks) to do things you both enjoy.
Depending on your situation our age range covers 0-25 years.
We can help with
- Including children and young people with disabilities in community activities and decisions about themselves.
- Find out more about Disability advocacy/participation
- Search for Disability advocacy/participation services
- Enabling and supporting children and young people to participate in decision making processes
- Search for Rights and participation services
- A supporting adult to befriend, advise and assist a child or young person who may have little or no positive contact with members of their own family.
- Search for Independent visitors services
- One-to-one support for looked-after children and young people and other vulnerable young people e.g. those on a child protection plan focused on their right to be heard and involved in decisions about them, explaining their wishes, arguing their case. Activities and training for families and professionals.
- Find out more about Advocacy and participation (children in care)
- Search for Advocacy and participation (children in care) services