What we do
Housing Support Service
North Lanarkshire Youth Housing Support provides intensive housing support to young people aged 16-26 years 7 days per week.
We offer independent and sustainment skills to live in your own home.
- Moving in tasks
- Budgeting
- Shopping/Cooking
- Domestic Routine
- Letter Understanding
- Form Filling
- Referrals to other services
- Help managing crisis/emergencies
- Advocacy
Positive Destinations
Barnardo’s Positive Destinations provides support to Care Experienced Young People aged 15-26 years.
Training Flat
- Offering preparation to leave care through tailored programmes to give the opportunity to make an informed decision if ready to leave care.
- Independent programs on what skills needed to run your own home.
- Opportunity to stay overnights.
Reception Flat
- Offering safe accommodation to care experienced young people who are threatened with homelessness or require respite.
- Comprehensive assessment complete to plan out of crisis situation, return to care placement or alternative accommodation.
We can help with
- We work with young people who are homeless and those living in places that aren't safe or don't have a proper tenancy. We help them get somewhere to live that's right for them, and support them so they can sustain independent living.
- Find out more about Housing and homelessness
- Search for Housing and homelessness services