Fife - Stronger Families Service

What we do

Fife Stronger Families Service works with families with children aged 0-12 years (still attending primary school). Referrals are made via Fife Council Social Work only and are prioritised based on the following eligibility criteria.

- Families with younger children where specific needs/risk indicate the likelihood of escalation towards family breakdown, i.e. children at risk of being accommodated.

- Children where child protection measures have been initiated, as a result of Cause for Concerns being identified and requiring an integrated assessment and /or agreed support intervention contributing to a multi-agency child's plan.

- Children who display significant behavioural problems impacting on their attendance and /or achievement at school; relationships at home and behaviour in the community.

- Children affected by family crisis caused by family breakdown; parental substance misuse; parent's mental health problems or domestic violence.

We can help with

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