Barnardo's Works Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire

What we do

Barnardo’s Works delivers employability training and support to 16 to 24 years olds within Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

Our service delivers a wide range of programmes that will help you gain confidence to progress towards work or further training. You can get support on a one-to-one basis or within a group setting. You could even get a work placement or some SQA qualifications that you can add to your CV or Job applications.

School Transition
Barnardo’s Work offers a range of programmes to support school transition. These include Fit for Work, Explore and Believe and also our Aberdeenshire Employability Agreements programme. These programmes focus on helping school leavers to take their next steps into employment or further training.
If you are interested in finding out more or would like to make a referral then then please contact Rebecca Craigmile on 07842321387 / [email protected]

Into Work
Barnardo’s Works delivers the Employability Fund and Barnardo’s Best programmes which help young people to learn more about the workplace, gain a qualification and apply for a job or an apprenticeship. Our service works with a wide range of employers to provide work experience placements across the city and Aberdeenshire.
If you are interested in finding our more or would like to make a referral then please contact Cliff on 07920 087 951/ [email protected].

Wellbeing Employability Support.

Barnardo's Works delivers the Tribe Service in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. This service helps young people to gain confidence through the support of an Employability Wellbeing Worker.
If you are interested in finding out more or would like to make a referral then please contact Miranda on 07759527522/ [email protected].

We can help with