Aylan's story

Nadia reflects on the life changing support she and her son, Aylan receive at their local Barnardo’s children centre.

“Aylan was two years old when he was diagnosed with global development delay. His behaviour was all over the place.

He started getting frustrated at nursery because he couldn’t communicate like the other children. He can say single words but not sentences. It was so stressful and worrying, but I just bottled up my feelings.

Aylan walking towards the camera.

Staff at the nursery referred us to Barnardo’s and we’ve been going to our local Barnardo’s children’s centre for over a year now. The children’s centre is a lifeline.

I was very nervous before we went for the first time. I thought people there were going to judge me because of my son’s behaviour and think I couldn’t cope. But when I got there my fears disappeared. Everyone was so welcoming and helpful. It had a lovely, friendly atmosphere.

Staff at the children’s centre have helped me with practical support, such as advising me on disability allowance, as well as giving me somewhere to make new friends and feel emotionally supported.


Aylan's mum

One day I just went in there and cried: I needed to let it all out. The staff were so kind, they just listened to me and have helped me to move forward.

I know that Aylan is happy and safe when we’re there. Without it, I don’t know where I would have gone for advice and support. In my experience, children’s centres are vital. Without them mothers would struggle and children’s early years would be affected in a bad way.

The staff have given me the confidence and strength to move forward and for that I will be eternally grateful.”

Thanks to your belief in stronger families, Barnardo’s can offer support safe place to play for children like Aylan – for as long as they need us.

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