Delivering positive futures for the UK’s most at risk young people and families 

Amazon have been supporting us since 2019.  

We’re proud of our co-created programme: The JOBS Project (The Journey of Becoming Successful). It supports young people aged 18-29 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). At the end of the programme, they are guaranteed an interview with Amazon or they are supported by the team to an alternative positive destination. This could be picking up their education, signing up to another training programme or securing employment with another company. 

The programme started in April 2021. By October 2024, the JOBS Project has worked with 383 young people. 238 of them were employed by Amazon.  

As well as committing over £2.3m to make the JOBS Project possible, Amazon have donated over £7.3m since 2019. This includes a £50,000 donation to our Covid 19 Appeal, £25,000 to our cost-of-living campaign in 2023, £150,000 towards our Kidsmas campaigns and £250,000 raised when customers shopped through Amazon Smile.  

Before joining the Barnardo’s JOBS Project […] finding a job felt impossible, but after joining the programme it felt possible again.What I love about the programme is how I talk to people I never would have spoken to before. There's also finally a feeling of something resembling a future with a job. Being told how people can see a change in me over the last few weeks makes me feel like I'm finally able to be someone that can do something with their life.

Young person supported through The JOBS Project

How can you can get involved? 

To find out more about the JOBS Project, read real life stories of those already involved, and how to apply, click here.

If you’d like more information about our partnership with Amazon, and about partnership opportunities with Barnardo’s email us at [email protected].  

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