New NHS mental health figures for children - Barnardo's response

Published on
22 November 2023

According to new NHS survey, one in five children and young people in England aged eight to 25 had a probable mental disorder in 2023.

Lynn Perry MBE, Barnardo’s Chief Executive, said: 

“We have been warning that the mental health of children and young people has been at a crisis point for some time and that this threatens the health and future prospects of an entire generation. This latest NHS data for England shows that increasing numbers of children and young people are struggling with their mental health and that those growing up in poverty are more likely to be affected. 

“We know that many of these children and young people would benefit from early support but instead their mental health worsens as they sit on long waiting lists for treatment as demand soars. 

“The Government should urgently prioritise support for children and young people’s mental health by committing to expanding Mental Health Support Teams to all schools and colleges in England. We are also calling for a national strategy for social prescribing to connect children and young people with community activities to improve their wellbeing and prevent more children from reaching crisis point.”