Barnardo's responds to Prince's Trust report about legacy of the pandemic

Published on
24 November 2021

Barnardo's has issued a response to a report by the Prince's Trust, which says the legacy of the pandemic will be a “crisis of confidence” among young people unless they receive increased support.

Barnardo’s interim co-CEO Lynn Perry said: "Over the last 20 months we have seen the devastating impact of the pandemic on many children, young people and families. This new report from the Prince’s Trust builds on Barnardo’s research earlier this year, which found that young people were worried about the pandemic’s impact on their ability to get a job, and had concerns about their mental health.

“To help these young people truly recover from the pandemic, the crisis must be a catalyst for real change to a system that was already failing far too many children and young people, long before COVID hit.

“This means helping those who are struggling at a much earlier stage, with a ‘family hub’ in every community. We also want to see a rebalancing of the education system, so that children’s wellbeing is prioritised alongside attainment, with mental health support teams in every school. 

“These changes will help ensure children and young people are equipped to face the challenges of growing up in a post-pandemic world, and are confident and ready to thrive in the career they choose.”