Barnardo's appeals for local support

Published on
15 November 2022

Barnardo’s is urgently calling for more people to consider becoming foster carers and Home Support Workers for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Brighton and Hove and surrounding areas.

Barnardo’s Brighton and Hove Link Plus provides specialist foster care and short break placements for children and young people with SEND. There is also a Home and Community Support service that links workers with young people who need support at home or to do the activities they love.  

Lisa Giles is the Children’s Services Manager: “Our service is a lifeline for young people and their families. For the children, it is an opportunity for them to have a mini break and do some fun activities outside of their normal routines. For families, they can re-charge their batteries and focus on siblings or other priorities which may sometimes take a back seat. The best thing is that they know their child is being well cared for and having a really great time.”

Albie is a young person who has severe hearing and visual impairment. He has been receiving Home and Community support from Brighton and Hove Link Plus since March 2022. Albie needs continuous support with his mobility and finds doing simple physical tasks such as tying shoelaces or reading text very challenging. But, Albie has been able to benefit from a Barnardo’s Home Support Worker who helps him participate in fun and exciting activities at weekends.   

Albie’s Home Support Worker Scott Roberts said: “I think a lot of people still assume they need to have parental experience and ideally have children of their own in order to work with young people. The reality is it’s far more important to possess universal human skills and to be able to relate and communicate effectively. I’ve been able to see Albie develop his confidence and stamina and together we’re able to go on trips or spend time just hanging out playing Uno or taking Albie’s very well-behaved dog, Teddy, for a walk to the park.

“When I first met Albie, I was concerned communication would be a real challenge. Whilst he has a cochlear implant, he still finds it difficult to hear every part of a conversation. However, as our sessions progressed, the communication naturally improved. 

“Albie’s really into science, physics and astronomy – so our conversations are wide-ranging and fascinating. He helps improve my rather limited knowledge of these areas and on the flip side I’m able to give him tips on how to develop his paddleboarding skills or just some advice about how to navigate a challenge. It’s a partnership based on friendship.”

Albie, who is 16, adds: “When I first started having sessions with Barnardo’s I didn’t know what it would be like, but Scott is really fun and helps me participate in activities which I otherwise would struggle to do alone. He also gives me encouragement and doesn’t limit what he thinks I can achieve. He makes me laugh, and I can make him laugh too with my jokes. We can talk about anything from Star Trek The Next Generation to the latest Elon Musk rocket launch. We enjoy playing Uno, but neither of us can agree on all the rules, so I suspect we both do a bit of cheating at times!”

Brighton and Hove Link Plus is looking for more Home Support Workers and carers who can offer anything from a few hours a week through to occasional overnight stays, shared care and full-time fostering,

To find out more please contact Jane Briscoe 07731 591361 or Vicky Lloyd 07808214847 or Office tel: 01273 411767