Leaving care can be a big step - but there is support in place to make the transition easier for you.
When you're It’s important that you know your rights and what support you get. These are sometimes called your entitlements.
For instance, you are entitled to a needs assessment, a pathway plan, and a personal advisor.
Needs assessment
Before you leave care, you’ll have an assessment to see what advice, assistance and support you need to become independent. This is called a needs assessment.
This assessment will be about your abilities, your achievements and your needs now and in the future. This information will then be used to write your pathway plan.
It’s worth asking your social worker for a copy of your needs assessment, too.

Pathway plan
A pathway plan is an important document that prepares you for leaving care. It makes sure you get whatever entitlements you need so you feel confident living independently. This might include suitable accommodation, mental health counselling or support to help you achieve your career goals.
When you turn 16, your local council will work alongside you to start writing a pathway plan.
It will be reviewed every six months, but you can ask for a review at any time. For instance, you might want to review it if there are any major changes in your life.
It must include plans for your:
Education, training and development
Contact with your family
Financial management
A pathway plan should be done alongside you as it’s about your life. You can decide who you want there. For example, you can bring an independent advocate to support or challenge any decisions, if you’d like.
Remember it’s an opportunity for you to have your say about how you want to be supported, until you feel confident to live independently.
You should always have a copy of your plan so you can check what is written and if you’re receiving all the support you need.

Personal advisor
A personal advisor (PA) is someone who offers advice, support and information to make sure you’re ready to leave care and live independently. They’ll also contribute to your pathway plan and make sure it’s carried out correctly.
It's their job to assess your needs, identify your goals and help you to overcome any challenges you face.
Once you turn 18, they’ll:
Take over responsibility for supporting you.
Review your pathway plan with you and make sure you reach your goals.
Keep in touch with you and make sure you can get the support you need.
When you leave care, your personal advisor will keep in contact with you. You can continue to get help and support from them until you’re 25.

Mental health support for care leavers
We all feel sad, anxious or low from time to time. But you don't have to deal with it alone. Find mental health support near you.

Supported lodgings for young people leaving care (care leavers)
Supported lodgings are when people and families (sometimes called “hosts”) offer to rent a room to a young person leaving care.

Employment and training for young people leaving care
Whether you want to stay in education, boost your employability skills or find a job, there's support available to you.