What we do
Boloh Helpline has extended its offer to support the mental health and wellbeing of adult asylum seekers across the UK. The Helpline will offer advice, signposting, emotional support and 8 free sessions of therapy by qualified Barnardo’s therapists. The Helpline will offer phone, webchat and email. This project is funded by the Home Office until 31st January 2025.
We can help with
- No child should be left to deal with poor mental health alone so we provide services supporting children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing. We have centres where children and young people can visit and have a trained worker they can trust and talk to. We help them build their confidence and get to the root of their difficulties so they can feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful.
- Find out more about Mental health
- Search for Mental health services
- All children, no matter where they’re from, or how they arrived in the UK, deserve to feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful. We support children and families seeking sanctuary in the UK in a number of different ways. We help provide loving homes for children and young people who arrive on their own and help them get the healthcare and schooling they need. We also give parents practical support so their family can feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful.
- Find out more about Refugee/asylum seeker services
- Search for Refugee/asylum seeker services services