What we do
The drama group is for 8 - 19 year olds with individual needs who would like to join a weekly drama group. You will have the chance to make new friends, practice your drama skills and show these in the annual production .
To request a place please contact us on 01706 769634 or email [email protected]
We can help with
- We know looking after your family can be tough at times. We support parents, carers and families with guidance and activities so children and young people can feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful.
- Find out more about Family support
- Search for Family support services
- Caring for your family is hard and everyone needs a break sometimes. We give the families and carers of children and young people with additional needs a chance to recharge their batteries. Our services, including our play and holiday schemes, give children and young people an opportunity to have fun, build their confidence and independence through inclusive play, share experiences and socialise in an inclusive space.
- Find out more about Short breaks for disabled children
- Search for Short breaks for disabled children services