Young person and Barnardo's Worker

Commission us to deliver integrated health and social care services

As the UK’s largest children’s charity, and one of the most comprehensive providers of integrated health and social care services for children, young people and families, Barnardo’s provides support and services that better meet health and wellbeing needs and improve outcomes…. now and for the future.

Why commission us?

Barnardo’s brings more than 150 years’ experience of supporting children, young people and families facing the most challenging circumstances. Promoting and improving children and young people’s health and wellbeing is at the heart of our 794 services and partnerships and is key to Barnardo’s Corporate Strategy.

We work with a wide range of commissioners and partners at neighbourhood, place-based and regional geographies to provide innovative, cost-effective integrated health and social care services that operate across the spectrum of prevention, early intervention, targeted and specialist support including:  

  • Mental Health: early intervention, CAMHs waiting list support and mental health support teams (MHSTs)
  • Child & Family Health: perinatal mental health, Children & Young People’s Health Equity Collaborative in conjunction with ICSs
  • Family Hubs: face-to-face, hybrid & virtual offers
  • 0-19 Healthy Child Programme
  • Children & young people’s social prescribing   
  • Family in-reach support in A&E
  • Keyworker schemes. 

Our services take a trauma-informed and inclusive approach that address health inequalities.

These are based on the principles of personalised care and shared decision making, with the voice of children, young people and their families at the heart, ensuring all services are accessible and appropriate.


Barnardo's commissioned services and partners benefit from: 

  • Our expertise, knowledge, and skill in delivering high quality integrated health and social care services. 
  • Our passion and commitment to support children, young people and families to improve health outcomes. 
  • Our experience of delivering large-scale contracts and supply chain management. 
  • Locally tailored delivery, based on a tried and tested methodology. 
  • Partnership working with VCSE and community grassroots organisations. 
  • Strong relationships within the health system.
  • The added value of the Barnardo’s brand and wider support. 
  • Services that are co-designed with children, young people and families

Barnardo's Quality Account

As an NHS healthcare provider, Barnardo's publishes and regularly updates a Quality Account. This is a legal requirement and measures the quality of Barnardo's healthcare services by looking at patient safety, how effective patient treatments are and patient feedback about care provided.

Find out more about Quality Accounts

Our work in these areas

Find out more about the work we do below:

Family Support workers in acute and emergency care settings

Social prescribing for children and young people

Family Hubs offer

Delivering integrated mental health support

Keyworker schemes for children and young people with autism or a learning disability

Healthy Child Programme 0 – 19 offer

Providing mental health support in school

Social prescribing 

Work with Barnardo’s in this exciting and innovative emerging area of practice for children and young people.

Mental health support teams

Find out more about the mental health support teams we help facilitate across England.

Key worker schemes 

Work with Barnardo’s to support children and young people with learning disabilities and autism to get timely access to the right personalised support

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